Friday, May 29, 2009

Our trip to Prescott, AZ

I have never been to Prescott Arizona and never had the desire to visit, but now I cant wait to go back! We went for Max's little brothers baseball tournament we got a chance to drive around town alot and I think it is the most adorable place ever! All the restaurant's and stores are in vintage old homes or hotels and I have never seen more antique stores in my life! Sound interesting to anyone? I want to plan a trip back sometime this summer!?
Anyway the games were entertaining but I have to admit with Max's parents first time Grandparent's, the focus shifted just a little bit to Little Max. With two games a day the cold nights and the way too windy days, max was held, cuddled and shielded the entire time in their arms. Ha I think the only times I got to hold him were when I fed him. He did so well though, slept entire nights and some the entire weekend.
All around a good experience for his first little road trip!

stoppin in for some shade


  1. I found you :) That trip sounds so fun! I would love to go antique shopping! Tristan was the 1st grandchild on Mike's side of the family so he was held ALL the time too:) So fun!!

  2. I can't believe you have never been to Prescott! It's a fun place. And little Max is absolutely adorable. Sorry I didn't make it to the baby shower. And cute blog :)

  3. Prescott is such a pretty town & would be such a fun place to visit. I can't believe how quickly Max is growing! He's such a cutie!

  4. Little Max is getting so big and handsome!! I am so excited to come see you guys soon, we miss you! I love your blog!!

  5. Haha oh yeah, i forgot about our GREAT plan!! WHat kind of stuff do you make?? I'm having an open house boutique July 25th at my house! Let talk about crafty stuff! You rock!

  6. P.S. Please e.mail me at so i can have your e.mail address! THanks, i have some stuff to send over to you! Thanks

  7. Hey Amy its Kamry (Batchelor) Waite from high school. I came across your blog somehow and I just wanted to say Hi. You have such a cute family!!
