Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Black with White Stripes

Max had Saturday off and all week I was contemplating what I thought we should do with this sweet precious time?!?1
Max is loving animals and I have been wanting so badly to go see the Wildlife Zoo ... so off we went...

Big Max- "So where is this place?"
Me - "Umm... Just hop on the 60 to the 10 and go for a little while."
Big Max- "Hmm... uh Amy, whats a little while?
Me- "Uh Like Litchfield Rd or something like that?"
Big Max- "What?!?! Amy do you have any idea how far that is? What does the mapquest prediction say?"
Me - "Oh yeah about and hour! I love you sweetie!"
Big Max - {A roll of his big blue eyes and a grin...and 1 hour later we were parking!!!}

{Disclaimer}:-I know max doesn't look very excited in the pictures... but he LOVED it! He just was very distracted by people and animals! And I could not believe how close we got to all the animals!! Amazing!

By the end of the trip... we were down one shoe...about 100 fishies (shhh...we fed them to the animals) one bottle of sunscreen and what had to be about 15 refills of the sippy cup, and all the energy little max had. It was naptime and the min we walked out of the park... he made it known he was out for the count.

What a fun filled Saturday. Im not about to be Bustin out 50 Bucks to head there again anytime soon. Thats for sure... or atleast not till Little Max can appreciate it! So if you havent been... its fun!
Have a wonderful day! I know I did!!

p.s. - this is max's favorite new spot to go. kinda scary for me but so cute.. I couldn't help but snap a picture.


  1. wow i didn't know the animals were that close. we've been wanting to go but the drive, yeah. we'll see.

    don't you just love that kids favorite places are usually the most dangerous for them. gotta love it. he is such a cutie!

  2. I wanna take Noah when I come into town! It looks like a great time and the animals get that close its awesome! Your baby looks sooo old now! Not so much a baby anymore super cute!

  3. We went there while we were down for christmas and it was awesome! way better than the pheonix zoo cuz you get to see all the animals SO close! loved it. little max and eden need to play when we get to come down again...see ya!

  4. your boy is so big!! how fun! your family is so so cute!

  5. Did they change your due date to Christmas Day?
