Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dunlap disease

Weighed in last week at 15lbs 10oz and three months old now, Daddy says little max has already got a pretty bad case of "Dunlap Disease" Because his belly DUN LAP over his jeans. He is getting so chubby! It is so fun! His clothes sure aren't fitting very long. At a month and a half his body is so long he is fitting into 3-6 month clothes... he is growing too fast!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!! :) Max sure is a cutie!! We've got a long baby over here, too, fitting snuggly into 6-12 months clothes at just barely 5 months old. They don't stay small for long! Hopefully we can catch you guys at G&G LeBarons soon! Check out our blog too~

  2. Amy he is so adorable. Congrats. I'm gonna add you to my blog list so I can follow you guys. YEAH~


  3. AMY! I'm so excited you have a blog. I miss you tons. Come visit me, soon. Or at least come board with us at Brianhead sometime.

  4. Yippie! we found each other through Blogger! I miss you girl! I love the pictures!!! I'm so happy for you two (well three now)! haha I want to see your little one sometime soon!!
